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About time....

I posted something new....

Gifts have started pouring in, mostly from fathers and sisters though.
Mother (Sr. Magdalene) gave me Rabindranth Tagore's 'Gitanjali' and two rosaries.

Fr. Emmanuel (one of the few fathers I really like) gave me this Holy Family Statue/lamp and its incredibly beautiful.


wildeyes said…
hey wow, i wanna read gitanjali...but is it in tamil?..maybe u can give me the english version for my wedding?
Karen Xavier said…
It's in English megh's and you can read this one... I'll give it to you, you read and tell me how it is. I have loads of other books out here to read.
Zak said…
dont spoil megs ok!
Ryan W.F. said…
gitanjali is a nice book. very interesting read.
Ryan W.F. said…
and Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light" (John 12:6)...maybe that's why the father gave u a lamp so that you will remember this verse every night when you turn it on to go to sleep and in the morning when u wake up to turn it off?
Anonymous said…
hey karen... im at college and im checking your blog... i showed everyone all the pics on your blog... anywayz... im waiting for you to get out of the house!! and Orkut isnt opening here %*^&%!
wildeyes said…
hahahhahaha..namidey, i love ur comment the

kavi u shud read the book first k then give it to me...its a gift to u na..then u can give it to me anytime later on..

the lamp looks really pretty..n ryans right, im sure thats the reason u were given the lamp...

also u can sing, ''give me oil in lamp, keep me burning, burning burning. give me oil in my lamp i pray'when the elctricity gets cut.
Karen Xavier said…
guys maybe it means I should learn to live a meaningful life like the Holy Family... a family that was dedicated to doing the work of God in all ways...
Karen Xavier said…
ryan, did you read "the Gitanjali"?
Ryan W.F. said…
Amen kavi!!
i just hope u realise that we know that babies are not made by immaculate conception ya ;)
i think gitanjali was our text in 5th std rite??
Karen Xavier said…
thanks for reminding me about the harsh realities of life... ryan.
Jude said…
gitanjali... nice name... for a book
Jude said…
and meghs the cover says "gitanjali" in english. why did you think it was in tamil? At least you could have said bengali...
Jude said…
This is a very perceptive post. We need to remember that not only is wealth quixotic and fleeting, so is life. It keeps things in perspective.
Zak said…
Well gitanjali only reminds me of little jhonny

The teacher asks Little Johnny a question: "If there are three black birds on a fence, and you shoot at one, how many will be left ?"

Johnny replies, "There wouldn't be any left."

The teacher says, "No, there would be two left."

Johnny replies, "If you shoot at one, the other two would fly away."

The teacher says, "I like your way of thinking."

Johnny asks if he could ask her a question. "If there are three ladies sitting on a park bench eating ice pops, one is biting hers, one is licking hers, and the other is sucking hers, which one is married ?"

The teacher replies, "I guess it would be the one sucking hers."

Johnny replies, "No it's the one wearing the wedding ring, but I like your way of thinking!"
That Squirrel said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
That Squirrel said…
"Gitanjali" huh? everyone keeps telling me to read it and see how beatiful the book I was named after is. I can't be bothered. Maybe someday. You tell me how it is! :p
Anyway, happy birthday to your blog as well! You've done a great job too :) Let's pat ourselves on the back.
Zak said…
pat is not the word! it shud be whack each other! now dont start on how sexy pat rafter is!
Unknown said…
gitanjali? anju? really?
wildeyes said…
jude, the cover says gitanjali in english but..theres soemthing on the top right hand corner tats in tamil...which i cant read...
That Squirrel said…
That's not in Tamil. Don't know what language it's in...could be Bengali (that's what he was, right?)
Bungz said…
You guys at least know that he is the one that wrote our National Anthem? And that our National Anthem is in Bengali? Jus' wondering...
wildeyes said…
Its "About Time " u wrote a new post
Ryan W.F. said…
its about time you posted something newer!

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