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I got new speakers in my room, and I am so glad for that. After books, music comes in second on my priority list. I am right now going crazy over Lifehouse’s 'Everything' (I just read that it is actually a devotional song). And I am also reading a rather cute Mills and Boon book called ‘Ring in a Teacup’ by Betty Neels. It’s one of those doctor nurse romance novels and so far it is going good, hasn’t put me off … yet. Though I don’t like the idea of the guy Dr. Linssen being 40 something and the girl Lucy being only 23. Right now they dislike each other, though the doctor actually likes her and keeps ignoring her. And Lucy tries her best to stay out of his way, but they always bump into each other.
I wish I could eat sandwiches now; I miss eating the kind of sandwiches I used to make at my home. I carried lemon rice with brinjal today and that’s hardly appetizing. Anyway, I better stock up on ham & bacon over the weekend.
What else, is happening… I want to see Sex in the City but nobody I live with is ready to watch it with me, times like this, I really miss Nam. My boss just came and told me and Dinesh that he won’t be coming in whole of next week….. we started grinning and the boss was like I know you are happy. To which Dinesh replied ‘Slightly’. No matter how nice the boss is, it is always a relief when the boss is away.
So while killing some time at work I came across a few wildlife pictures taken from this guy’s website. It’s pretty amazing what he has captured… here are a few pictures that I really like.

I like this last picture the best...


Zak said…
You are your own boss !
Anonymous said…
Bagheera(the right spelling) is a black panther. Panthers are known as lepords in some places. the lst pic you have is a Cheetah.
Zak said…
its leapord ! not lepord u illiterate !
Karen Xavier said…
nam, that is a leopard, check it here

And Saj, you are no better than my sister...
littlemuch said…
i love ham and bacon. ate a really expensive ham, bacon, cheese and cranberry chutney sandwich. but it was worth it. havent eaten a better sandwich.

nice pics
Zak said…
it was a typo by me ! nam was educated like that
test said…
nice pics
and speaking of chiclit... Nicoloas Sparks is a lot on my reading list..actually listening list.. books on cd are awesome!!
Jude said…
how did you chance upon kalyan's site?
Karen Xavier said…
Tina, some of the best sandwiches I've eaten were bought in bandra, ate them with your bridesmaid's on your wedding day... what a day!

Saj, watch it...

Mazhalai, I read one book of his, and it was sickeningly sweet, overflowing with saccharine, was a bit too much. I forget the name, but the girl was a preacher's daughter, "walk in the clouds" or something...

Jude, this guy I work with, showed me the site...
Jude said…
Ok, I've just bumped into him at a couple of tech conferences. He used to work for Yahoo, before he decided to become a wildlife photographer (!).
Zak said…
im checking out keshi

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