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Interesting churches from around the world...

Came across these spectacular churches while trying to search for simple and rustic ideas for my (very soon to be constructed) church back home.
Thorn Crown Chapel
This is the Thorn Crown Chapel located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas... looks pretty neat huh.
Church of Hallgrímur

The Hallgrímskirkja (a Lutheran church) is located in Iceland, and it is designed to resemble basalt lava flows that are characteristic of Iceland. The church is also used as an observation tower.

Chapelle of Saint Michel

The Chapelle of Saint Michel perched atop a needle of a rock is located in Auvergne, France. 268 stone steps wind their way up to this quaint little ancient church. Doesn't it look absolutely dreamy...
Borgund Stave Church

This is the Borgund Stave Church located in Lærdal, Norway... t'was built somewhere in the late 12th century, definitely awesome.
Las Lajas Cathedral

The Las Lajas Cathedral (Sanctuary of our Lady) located in Columbia, South America is certainly awe inspiring and majestic. Legend has it that an Indian woman named Maria Mueses de Quiñones was carrying her deaf-mute child on her back when Mother Mary appeared, and this apparition miraculously caused the child to speak. Later on, a mysterious painting of the Virgin Mary carrying a baby was discovered on the wall of the cave. Supposedly, studies of the painting showed no proof of paint or pigments on the rock- instead, when a core sample was taken, it was found that the colours were impregnanted in the rock itself to a depth of several feet.
Chapel of St. Gildas

The Chapel of St. Gildas sits upon the bank of the Canal du Blavet in Brittany, France. It has been built into the base of a rocky cliff and was once a holy place of the druids. St. Gildas is said to have preached Christianity to the people from this rocky perch.
Church of St. George

The church of St. George located in Lalibela, Ethiopia is completely carved out of stone in the shape of a cross.
Cathedral of Brasilia

From outside it hardly looks like a church I know, but the interior is spectacular. Three angels are seen suspended from the ceiling and the lighting inside ought to be beautiful what with all that coloured glass...
Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel
I know! It does seem fitting for the Air Force, looks like it will fly you straight to heaven with those seventeen spires. This chapel is extraordinary in the sense that it has three distinct places of worship as seen below...

The Protestant Chapel is located in the upper level and designed to seat about 1200 people. If you notice carefully you will be able to make out the amazing 46 foot (14m) aluminium cross suspended from the ceiling...

The Jewish Chapel which occupies a part of the lower level is circular in shape and designed to seat about 100 people.

The Catholic Chapel is also located on the lower leavel & seats about 500 people. The Annunciation is depicted on the glass mosaic mural as seen.
Chapel of the Holy Cross

The Chapel of the Holy Cross is an iconic Catholic chapel built into an elevated rock in Sedona, Arizona. This chapel has a universal appeal due to its amazing views which are truly spectacular and awe inspiring.
Basilica of Our Lady of Tears
The Basilica of Our Lady of Tears is located in Syracusa, Italy. This Basilica was constructed after an image of the Blessed Mother started weeping, then miracles started taking place.

I saved the best for last...
Chapel of the Transfiguration

This has got to be the best chapel in the whole wide world, fell in love with it instantly. This Chapel is located in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It is a simple and rustic log cabin nestled in an idyllic landscape with those awe inspiring mountains as a backdrop. Check out the altar, no stained glass or fancy mosaic mural will ever be able to capture the feeling of awesomeness as you gaze outside at the mountains... blindingly pure and beautiful. See those log benches, so quaint and rustic.


Jude said…
I saw this on my news reader, didn't notice the the source, and my first thought was "wouldn't Karen be interested in this article..."
Karen Xavier said…
Hey JB, you read my blog without me threatening you or pleading with you... ;) great! Tell your sister to visit St. Michel's chapelle in France.
Antonio said…
Infant Jesus church @ Ponnappa Nadar Colony is the best i have ever seen in my life(where i got married)
Zak said…
Ok I read it after your pleading to get me to read your blog got so unbearable ,that I decided to bear the pain of reading the blog ...

nice places ! i liked the 1st one ! we shud have a barbeque in front of it once !

where is the ponnapanadar colony church
Karen Xavier said…
Tonio, very funny... I like that church, life was fun there.

Pushpak, next time remind me never to plead with you to read my blog again, barbeque it seems!!!
Zak said…
and ur not living in antartica now ! life was fun there it seems
ABB said…
I loved the Las Lajas Cathedral, it has a majestic look. The Chapel of St. Gildas, has an old country side look, very pleasant and serene. And the best is of course, Chapel of the Transfiguration, who will want to come out of that church. I guess anyone will convert to Christianity if they see this chapel :-P
Candice said…
The last one is the simplest and the most breathtaking one
Karen Xavier said…
Zak, I meant church related fun... as in choir practice, caroling, catechism classes, Christmas plays, church decoration, everything was pure fun, I miss all that...

Raina, hehe... 'who will want to come out of that chapel', so nicely put. Las Lajas and the mountain log cabin chapel are either extremes, ones opulent and majestic the other's rustic and simple... there lies the grandeur of both.

Tina, yeah I know... just seeing a picture of it gives me the goosebumps, imagine entering the chapel and taking in the sights...
wildeyes said…
transfiguration as in harry potter :P
Karen Xavier said…
Megh's, transfiguration as in the Bible... one of the luminous mysteries.
The Las Lajas Cathedral is my vote, or The Cathedral of St. George.
Xander Zander said…
Interesting churches from around the world...
Came across these spectacular churches while trying to search for simple and rustic ideas for my (very soon to be constructed) church back home.

WOW thats great please send the deeds for the church.. so i can sign also since you said MY CHURCH...
Anonymous said…
Im late to church every Sunday and I live just two blocks away from the church i attend. these places look like you need a 3 day headstart for mass every week.
Karen Xavier said…
Ryan, are you anonymous?
Anonymous said…
yes i am
AnonymousWriter said…
these are amazing pictures of churches

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