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Events that rocked the world...

Starting with the catastrophic act of nature that rocked the northern coast of Japan and had the world reeling under the shock of witnessing such an unparalleled and unimaginable act of destruction. It was like something out of an apocalyptic themed hollywood movie... cars, buses, boats, houses, buildings even small planes were lifted and carried away like toys in massive 10m waves that ravaged and plundered north Japan. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that occurred on 11th March, 2011  was one of the worst in the history of mankind... kinda makes you wonder what the creator was upto, what good reason could He possibly have to tear apart a nation that was once already in ashes after WWII. But the Japanese have proven their resilience, no one doubted that they would build up their nation and get on with their lives. What is really inspiring is their core character; they are a disciplined lot with integrity, value and compassion sewn into their very souls. Been reading reports about how there was no panicking, ransacking or looting... people still followed traffic rules, and waited in queues, unguarded ATM's were left alone, and apparently nothing was stolen from shops. I don't know how they do this, maybe its because the population is less or maybe the Japanese are just plain decent. I think we should learn about waiting in queues and following traffic signals from this calm and resilient race... they sure have my respect and admiration. May the Lord bless all of them and may He help them grow and prosper again... and may the souls of the perished find peace in Him. 

Coming to the other event that rocked my corner of the world, India winning the coveted World Cup. Now, this is not going to be about the game or the dream that took 28 years to materialize... I couldn't care less about this game and I care lesser than that about the cup, what I do care about is Dhoni. I never really liked cricket, its too lengthy with a whole bunch of players just loitering round the ground... most of the time I tune in to watch only the presentation ceremony, cause its nice to see Dhoni talking and smiling as he discusses the outcome of a match. With his charming smile and honest comments, his take on things is almost disarming... that coupled with bravery, acumen and his amazing ability to remain calm under pressure is what won me over. He's cute too, if I hadn't already fallen for Aron Ralston, I would have definitely fallen for Dhoni by now. Anyway, it was nice to witness the euphoria that swept the nation last Saturday night... I was glad for Dhoni and I was impressed by the way he finished the game with a sweeping six. His old flamboyant self still surfaces when its needed, he's a captain who has garnered worldwide respect and admiration for the way he carries himself. I hope he never loses track of the inherent qualities that make him the man he is...

Doesn't he look dashing here..
'O Captain! My Captain!' Reign on...


Zak said…
As much I loved the first para about Japan , I feel like kicking you multiple times after reading the second one . and it is not a sweeping six .it was as straight as it could get ...duh!
Karen Xavier said…
Saj, :) nice relevant comment. So straight six or sweeping six, who cares... I was trying to be dramatic plus sweeping generally means taking in a wide area, which that last ball did.
BackStage said…
Yeah the Japan thing surely did rock the world... I was about to write a blog post on the cricket match myself but then did not have time. Though not a hardcore fan of cricket, I think the Indian team really brought the people together in this one. I was really moved when I saw old people dancing on TV.
Karen Xavier said…
Gibsy, same here... it was nice to see people dancing in the streets and crying all over a game. Though it doesn't justify all the money that is raining down on these men...

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