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Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be...

This song has been on replay ever since I heard that Whitney Houston passed away. It was the only song I liked of hers and I used to listen to it nonstop back while we (me and the siblings) were growing up along with Elton John's Sacrifice and Richard Marx's Right here waiting for you, these are the songs I remember constantly rewinding and playing, till everybody got sick of it. This song of hers made an impact more than any other song of that era because it was not the usual sappy love songs every other pop singer was churning out. This was about learning to be courageous and living a life of dignity, and growing into a good human being. It is a song about overcoming obstacles, learning from experiences and discovering who you really are in the process. You realise that you have to first learn to love yourself before you expect others to do the same. At that impressionable young age, this song really meant a lot... especially the last stanza where she sings about finding that special somebody, "And if I chance that special place, that you've been dreaming of, leads you to a lonely place, find your strength in love." It was that age, when you're in love with the idea of falling in love... and I think this is what the lyrics mean, after you evolve into a secure person who is not afraid to face life, you will chance upon the special person you've been dreaming about and when you're with him make sure he is the real deal. His love should continue the process of self evolution, it should make you a better person. Your love in each other should be something sacred (my catechism influence) you become better individuals because of each other and therein lies your strength. This song was actually written by a woman suffering from cancer, she wanted to show her children the way to live a meaningful life... this explains its poignant nature. 

The day she died, I couldn't seem to shake off the feeling of sadness that engulfed me... it was the same when Michael died. When you hear news like this, its like a video plays in your head of the past, of the way you were... how they were a part of that memorable, fun and uncomplicated childhood. And you wonder why they didn't derive the same strength from their songs... the same happiness that infused the warm little homes that built us...


Rashmi said…
hi again,
Brilliant Post Karen.. Loved it.
Karen Xavier said…
Thanks Rashmi... glad someone liked it!

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