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Ulm Munster

So the next day we set out to visit the Ulm Cathedral, or as it is known there, The Ulm Munster. Apparently it is the tallest church in the world...
On the way we came across this beautiful scenery... a mustard field. 
Also saw the dirndl, a traditional dress worn in Germany...
And this is the first glimpse of the church...
Here is the Ulm Cathedral built in the Gothic architecture... it's unbelievably tall! It took decades to construct this church. 
The entrance...
The altar...
The back view...
An angel, I think it is Archangel Michael standing guard with his shield and sword... 
 Then it was time for lunch and this is the Doner Kebab, a form of shawarma... tasted real good. 
My cousin told me that I should eat the bartwurst in Germany, so ordered one and we liked it. 
Then we visited the Weingarten Basilica 
Where renovations were going on, but see how they have exactly replicated the exterior onto those sheets... people there value their heritage and they strive to keep the place beautiful by not providing an eyesore with all the scaffolding and construction work. This is their greatest asset, their inherent sense of beauty, a quality I wish we could inculcate in our country too.  
Inside the church...
The extravagant pulpit with angels flying all around it... 
Apparently the blood of God is displayed here... legend has it that Longinus, the soldier who pierced the side of Jesus, caught some of the sacred blood and preserved it. Then many kings and popes came in possession of it and finally it is displayed here in that glass case. I couldn't go any further to see it more clearly... 
The ceiling painted with scenes from the bible..
The gilded church organ...
View outside the church...
Another modern church...
A statue of Mother Mary and child...
The altar with one arm of Jesus detached from the cross...
And a skeletal Jesus... usually Jesus is depicted as having quite an athletic frame. He is probably stretching out His hand to us, telling us to come to Him... but the skeletal frame lends a macabre feel to it.
A small chapel inside the church...
Next post will be about the beautiful animals we saw at a farm...


BackStage said…
My favorites:the dirndl and the extravagant pulpit. I love these kind of costumes and the pulpit looks just crazy in a way :P
Aju said…
All awesome pictures! Love the full shot of the church.
Karen Xavier said…
Gibsy, I know, we wanted to buy one dirndl... but where would we wear it. And the pulpit, wonder how anyone could listen to the preacher, those angels are distracting enough...

Aju, had to kneel and crouch to get that shot...
mahesh said…
The art-work on the ceilings is lovely the last pic of the chapel is nice as well!!!
Karen Xavier said…
Mahesh, :)

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