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The Great Sacrifice

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31)

Initially everything in creation was good, the concept of bad or evil did not exist. The Supreme being did everything good, because that is what He is. The concept of bad or evil came about because of us, we gave power to the idea of ‘evil’, and made it a part of life. The phrase – both sides of a coin (good and bad being either side of the coin), was not a concept that existed during the conception of Creation. This introduction of the thought of evil or bad into the system of creation is symbolically represented in the story of Adam and Eve and their subsequent fall from Eden. Eden being a state of mind, the perfect place where everything in Creation was Good. Once mankind gave power to what did not exist - the Evil or Bad, he started experiencing the effects of it. One of them being Death, the fear and agony that surrounds this very word because of the unknown aspect hovering around it.

But going with the initial premise of everything being good, death has to follow suit. And if we really think about it, death is just a transition to another phase of being. A transition that depends on how we live our life here; our thoughts and actions will reflect on what awaits us. To live in hope and to allow love to be the driving force of our lives, something had to be done. Jesus knew this, He knew there was only one way to show mankind the truth; the truth of Being, that goodness is so inherent in us, one Man could lay down his life for another because of love. This Great Sacrifice of Jesus, was necessary to show man that through love, death loses its earthly meaning. Jesus willingly gave up His life and in the process set us free from the fear and doubts of the future. 

Easter is a beautiful time to reflect upon and reinforce the teachings of the One who saved us from ourselves. It is no big secret that our greatest enemy lies within ourselves, we are the ones who gave rise to something that never existed and we are the ones fighting the consequences of it. Jesus knows each human heart, because He resides there, innately, prompting us to realise His presence if we care to tune in to Him. If we learn to radiate His frequency of love, we too shall not perish, but have eternal life in God, The Father Who Created us and still looks at us fondly saying ‘It is all good’… we only have to believe it to live it. 

There is no sin or transgression or pain or sorrow which is outside the healing power of His atonement. 


mahesh said…
A lovely post to remind us of the grace of the Lord. New blog theme looks amazing.

Karen Xavier said…
Thanks Mahesh :)

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