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Hermance, Borges and Rolex...

Went to church for the 12:15pm English mass on Friday, 22nd July 2022. Vinod met us there and we went to manor again for lunch. 

Ate a small plate of legumes, as you can see here... the potatoes with capsicum is my plate. The plate nearby is dad's, shawarma with hummus.
This my sister took, chicken satay with some peanut sauce.
This was also my sister's.... some dumpling  in sauce.
My mom took some prawn dish... looks like rice noodles. Deep fried prawns were for all of us... five pieces.
My brother's poke bowl...
We then drove to Jussy to see rapeseed fields but they weren't in bloom so we just stopped by church 13 in Jussy. This Mother Mary statue in a box filled with stars was pretty.
We then drove to a tiny village, Hermance, but it was too hot to walk near the lake... so we just stopped at the church in Hermance.
Church 14 in Hermance...
The beautiful graveyard in Hermance...
Spotted a hobbit's house in Hermance...
After this we went home, it was too hot to do anything else. Evening we (me, Nam and Vinod) started working on the Ikea Hemnes day bed. It took a good three to four hours, and it was fun, we fixed the bed and it looks good. Have to buy mattress now. Vinod made Bolognese pasta for dinner, I ate it even though I'm not fond of mince. Took a bath after fixing the Ikea bed; it's 2:49am now, going to sleep. 

Didn't do anything much in the morning of July 23rd, 2022. It was a lazy Saturday, evening we went to a couple of places to search for mattress, booked two from Conforma. 
We then attended mass in a cute church in Plane les Ouates, Saint Bernard church.
Church 15... a very cute chapel.
St. Bernard church... simple and elegant. After mass got back home, ate migro lasagne (just have to bake it) and started watching a movie, 'Against the ice'.
Sunday morning (July 24th 2022) didn't do anything much, cut onions for briyani, which Nam made. Mom and dad went to church, Vinod took them. I saw movie on netflix, 'Against the Ice' based on a true story (it was really good, about perseverance) then slept. Woke up, ate briyani and got ready to visit the cemetery of a famous writer. We (me and Nam) went to kings cemetery to check out Jorge Louis Borges grave, it was nice just walking around there. 
Saw the grave of a composer too, have to check him out.
My sister walking searching for the author's grave...
We found this pretty grave with a leaf imprint...
This is the grave of an actor... with his signature inscribed on the headstone.
Finally we see the grave of Jorge Luis Borges...
Quite enchanting it looks... like it holds some sort of secret.
The inscription and the engraving... feathers were placed near his grave.
Saw this pretty tree with dancing limbs...
Pretty flowers over some grave...
My sister posing near this bougainvillea... 
Me in my meditative pose...
We went to the free library after this, took two books and kept two books. Then reached home.
 Later in the evening, we went out and  I saw this cycle carrier on the way. Quite convenient to ferry children or pets when you're riding about town.
Saw this guy too in some automobile contraption that looks like a high end rickshaw.  
We drove to the lake and walked around, took a short train ride there around the lake for 8 francs. Spotted this beautiful statue on the train ride near the lake...
The functioning clock of flowers...
Postcard from Geneva...
When I see Rolex now, I remember Surya the actor...
Geneva lake at night...
Then walked a little in old Town and came back home. Ate hummus sandwich for dinner. It was a good Sunday near the lake.


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