The inlaws are extending the house and they've been asking me for ideas... so what started out as a simple search for furniture and the like soon turned into an obsession. Of course I would have to be a Sheikh's daughter or Trump's wife or a girfriend of one of Cullen boys (they've been around for ages and hence accumulated a lot of wealth) or find Cristiano Ronaldo and win his heart or maybe get lucky and win the lottery... whatever it is, I bet you'll feel the same too when you scroll down slowly and check out these awesome luxuries... A terribly neat and beautiful coffee table, would have looked better if it was photographed with something colorful, like books strewn on the surface or a vase or a few picture frames or just a plate of food... a lived in look would give the feeling of home, would love to own it though... Isn't this awesomely cool, the guys would love this (but not that black and white movie)... imagine taking in the evening air and just h...