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Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Visited a few churches on Good Friday to see how the Blessed Sacrament was displayed and adored.
Infant Jesus Church, Ponnappa Nadar Nagar

Church of Our Lady of Snow, Maravankudi

St. Joseph's Church, Vattakarai

St. Antony's Church, Kurusady

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Punnai Nagar

Holy Family Church, Mela Ramanputhoor

St. Xavier's Cathedral, Kottar
Holy Family Church, Ramanputhoor


Zak said…
u shud be using more ! u have way too many fotos!u shud be writing more here! facebook is where u load fotos and ppl leave their comments! its more like an advanced version of orkut!
Karen Xavier said…
I am actually surprised to see a relevant comment saj
Zak said…
people dont actually realise my true worth
Zak said…
Shils blog is a riot
Zak said…
u shud add my blog to ur favourites list!
Ryan W.F. said…
ok ill rank them?
1. HFC, mela
3. SXC
4. IJC
6. HFC,rama
7. SJC
8. SAC

I like 1 and dont quite like 8...thats how i ranked them
Jude said…
Wow, that's more churches than those I've visited in the past 5 years... I like the melaramanputhoor pic too.

And I'm adding "benediction" to my list of weird catholic words.
Zak said…
What is a A - class fruitcake

is it

class Fruitcake
int m_joke;
Fruitcake(int i_joke) : m_joke(i_joke) {}
int joke() const {return m_joke;}
Karen Xavier said…
Saj, don't make me enable the moderate comment thing...
Zak said…
Im trying to make u realise tht life is so so object oriented! its all about inheritance and encapsulation!
wildeyes said…
i like the name, our lady of snow
Anonymous said…
very well information you write it very clean. I'm very lucky to get this info from you.

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