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A tribute to the crazy bunch....

Here are a few picutres that won't find a place in the wedding album... but they were equally (some of them, even more) memorable.

Everybody loves sunoj....

I was so happy to see them all...... (first time they were coming to my new place)

Sunoj again.... hanging out with this guy is like shopping, ice cream, chocolates... etc.
You can't get enough of them.

The crazy cousins gave us a very interesting gift... this gift will be with us for six months then it will start its cycle of educating the owners. Though I doubt my cousins need much education in that department. It was fun opening the book and Jardin being the smart guy wanted somethin read from page 69. It was so cute the way Sunoj quickly picked up "The Magic Faraway Tree Series" from the corner and gave me to hold up when Robert uncle walked into the room (turns out he was the one who bought the book). I still remember Robert uncle laughing his head off.... good times.
This was at the reception.... the cousins totally rocked the place.

That's Ashwin (Eric) another cousin, who's no different from the rest. It was fun seeing him after a long time....

Doesn't he look like the terminator...

That's jaison... wonder why he looks so, what should I say... enlightened???

I like this picture....

I was trying to get nam's attention but she was intent on spoiling the picture....

Amazing gang......

Jovan, disgusted with the heat and the flies.....

My bro and tonio......

Going Fishing???
Oh, this is cute.....

I like this picture, that's me wondering "who all these people are".... it seems there were about 1100 people at the wedding.

This was when I was dressing up for the wedding, they sure took care of all my wedding anxiety.
yeah, they were real stress relievers....

oh, I love this saree... and this moment. What a weird feeling.....
This was after the weddin, the heat was torturous. Anyway, don't they seem like the bride and the bridegroom....
My brother.... he's one of a kind.
Doesn't it look like she's wearing a Kryptonite necklace.... superman should have been there at my wedding. He could have stood in a corner and whistled and everybody would have got some breeze....

This was just too funny.... jovan eating choclate that has melted.... and enjoying it so much like a kid.

My dad should see this.....

Jude's cute, he came over earlier.... cause he wouldn't be able to make it for the reception.

This was when we had just picked up Megh's at the airport.... Tonio's showing her all the pictures.

Guys we sure did miss you.....
All you guys are AWESOME. LOVE YOU LOADS!!!!!!!!!
XXX 000 XXX 000 XXX 000


Anonymous said…
Looks like you guys had loads of fun!. Nice pics :D.
Zak said…
ah kavidey! so u learnt what the weird looks was giving actually meant ...

" Though I doubt my cousins need much education in that department"
- Dont put down ur wonderful cousins in public ok ! We are all very holy !
We will need the book certainly at our times ! wot say boyzz!!

and the who are these ppl snap - it was taken accidently by the alien in me! i was actually holding up camera while trying to get some air and somehow ended up clicking!

and whats with all the XXX at the end ! ur growing up finally eh !
Zak said…
i missed the "tonio" there :-)
muddled said…
awesome pics. my fav ones are the one with jovan eating the chocolate and the kryptonite necklace.
your wedding was so much fun!
Zak said…
we had loads of food saras
wildeyes said…
ya kavi, the wedding was awesome n the days leading upto it n after it were awesome too....i liked the pic wit u, tina, jovan n me at ur house n the first one wit suno....u guys shud have beeen there...
Jude said…
nice. how did you like our gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh
Zak said…
ah megs! u cant hold urself urself up from not liking a snap in which ur there :-)
Tina said…
thanks a lot for your comment :-) your pictures of the wedding are really great! looks like a lot of fun...
God bless!
That Squirrel said…
Hey...really nice pictures and captions! :p
Cool effect on Nameetha's necklace.

Does that mean you'll be an expert in 6 months and you can pass it on? ;)
Anonymous said…
ok Karen.. how come you didnt thank tonio for maryying you.. wihtout him the crazy bunch wouldnt have been together... nd Anju its NAMEETA!
Karen Xavier said…
oh there's not much to learn from that book... you can learn more from a single edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, anju. And Jude, I liked your gifts... wonderin where to place them. And nam, should I thank my parents for giving birth to me... without me the wedding wouldn't have taken place...
Anonymous said…
thank them?? are you kidding me?? i keep thanking them for getting you married finally.. now guess who stays in your room.. Muhahahahahahahahaha...
Zak said…
and ur the winner of the Worlds best sister competion 2007 namidey
Ryan W.F. said…
sorry i wasnt dressed well for ur weddin kavi :(
it was nami who decided what i would be wearing!!!
Zak said…
hahaha@ and what would that be ! cocounut leaves around ur waist and a half pumpkin as a helmet in ur head a couple of carrots hanging around ur neck!
wildeyes said…
wat if they were out of begetable n needed to use the pumpkin? wat if there were too many rabbits n they eat all the carrots? then wat if there was a really strong gust of wind, wat will happen to the coconut leaves?
wildeyes said…
i mean vegetable
Zak said…
is pumpkin a vegetable or fruit
Ryan W.F. said…
would u eat that pumpkin? i can outrun the rabbit and stong gusts of wind are always appeciated in chennai!!!!
Karen Xavier said…
nice answer ryan... and megh's how on earth do you get such doubts??? and saj, pumpkin is a vegetable.
wildeyes said…
ya, anna, pumpkin is a vegetable...

may be i wudnt eat the pumpkin, maybe u can run faster than the rabbit n ofcourse, strong gusts of wind are appreciated in chennai. but i really dont think what they reveal wud be appreciated.
Karen Xavier said…
megh's, nice... some imagination you have.
Jude said…
Of course they are appreciated. Havent you seen the marilyn monroe pic
Ryan W.F. said…
actually a pumpkin is really a fruit...not a vegetable..u see a fruit has seeds and a vegetable doesnt have seeds...thats the basic thing we learn in 2nd standard...rite?? look at it...the tomato is a fruit....the capcisum is a fruit....everything with seeds inside them are fruits...its just cos they are not sweet, they become vegetables...vegetables all dont have seeds.....
Zak said…
u mean to say we are all fruits :P
Zak said…
and all these gurls are vegetables :p
Zak said…
ive seen marlyn monroes video also! the pic was nothin judeas

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