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Kids, food and books....

Well, finally done with the exams... its been a few fun weeks with Jacques Derrida, Edmund Husserl, Wordsworth, Mathew Arnold, and the rest of the guys.  Came to know about  phonemes, allophones, consonant clusters and what not.
Anyway, went to school the past fewdays to hangout with the kids... and when I am there, there's no where else I'd rather be.

Other than spending time in school, been spending some time in the kitchen too, tryin out a few dishes. Made Stuffed Roast Chicken and it came out really well...


Grandma wanted to make some sweet appam, so helped her with that too.


Received the new Potter book today and Harry Potter looks so much better as a fictional character than he does in the real life version. She (Rowling) does weave a good story.... though, it's a drag at some places.


hi karen, its q. what is sweet appam? by the way, that chicken dish looks yummy!
test said…
food looks good...
Zak said…
wht did u stuff it with!!
That Squirrel said…
Food really does look yumm.
I hope the exams went well. Harry potter is starting to look really attractive in the movies!!! watch the new one!
oh get this song if you don't already - "you're like coming home" by Emerson drive. Your type.
PurpleHeart said…
That looks like a nice time, home ! And by the ways, I thought u didn't like Potter series !
Anonymous said…
Glad to know your exams are over.

"Stuffed Roast Chicken"
Did you intend to make it a roast, or did it just turn out that way? :P

"it came out really well"
How did the people who ate it came out?

OK, I am stopping with two jokes.. you can't blame me. If you talk about your cooling, how can I stop making fun of you!
Zak said… is my new blog
mommyof2 said…
Yummy food!Enjoy your break:-)
Karen Xavier said…
hey quiana, sweet appam otherwise called leaf appam is made using Jaggery. The white coating is made with Maida and the stuffing is made of Jaggery, Banana and Aval (flattened rice)along with a few cardamom pods.

Hey Mazhalai, my food might look good, but yours always looks great. I still remember some upside down cake you made.

Hey Saj, I kinda knew you would ask this question. Its the same question my brother asked. Anyway stuffed it with a mixture of Cashew nuts, dried grapes, bread pieces, onions, potato, carrot, beans, capsicum and cheese.

Oh anju, I can't watch the potter movies, the book is bad enough. I only continue reading them cause I started the series... and I do want to know why everhbody is nuts over it. And I do have that song by emerson drive.

Hey Sandhya, now that I finished reading the 7th book, I gotta say, I dislike it even more. It was a good read yes, but not a good book. It was just too much of everything... kinda like the Sivaji movie and Spiderman 3.

TDNA, I hope one of those Amway guys corner you soon.

Mommyof2, hope your kids gudiya and A are doing well. My break is over now, but it was great fun, being home again...
Jude said…
i love it when people describe indian food in english...

My favorite is rice and lentil pancakes topped with chopped onions, peppers and coriander, served with spicy grated coconut paste.
Jude said…
comment on my comment, you psycho

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