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Raining on a Sunday.....

Last Sunday was beautiful, it was pouring the entire day and we couldn't go out anywhere, though we did go to church, and came back soaking wet. We (Tonio, his cousins and me) decided to spend the evening baking a cake.

This is the nut cake and the strawberry cake we baked. I was actually surprised the nut cake came out well, cause I made it without a recipe. I had to give it away to people though, cause Tonio doesn't like nuts and I didn't want to eat the whole thing and put on weight. I can't wait to go back home and start baking again for Christmas.
P.S: The baking utensils I am using here were given to me by Judith Aunty for my wedding and I love them.

On an unrelated note, I read this in the paper today. "Dhoni has reassured us that he is no Samson and that locks or no locks he can still plunder runs". He does look even more dashing with his new haircut.... doesn't he?


Zak said…
"Tonio doesnt like nuts" is a ambigous statement! he likes you !
test said…
cake looks yummm...
:( u had to give it away
and lol at the mahathma's comments!
Jude said…
looks good. get me some.
wildeyes said…
kavi, uve already out on weight in those pics i've seen. u should be losing weight instead :D

and ya dhoni looks better with this haircut.

judith aunty always gives good gifts na. i wonder what she'll give me when i get married.
wildeyes said…
u better make me strawberry cake when im there.
Anonymous said…
I have read this somewhere...
"Nothing warms the soul like a thick, rich slice of freshly baked cake"

Looks delicious...
Antonio said…
Please don't give such false statements. I like you kavitha.
Appletini said…
Mmmmmm...I LOVE strawberyy cake ;)
Zak said…
so u make cakes with nuts because he doesnt like nuts ! how sweet!
Karen Xavier said…
Saj, I knew you would comment on that statement... and I am actually impressed with the comment(it's actually a clean comment, I was expecting somethin else.)

Mazhalai, yeah I am on a strict diet now... there are four weddings/engagements in December/January and I want to be able to fit into my clothes.

Jude, yes i will, the next time I come there.

Charmaineeeee, I am trying to lose weight, I keep sheena in my head as role model :) Megh's all in good time, though I know what the cousins will give you after you get married "the book of life". That reminds me I have to buy a copy for saj. And the nut cake was better, the strawberry cake is the packet mix that you get... anyone can make that.

Tina, nice sentence... your mom bakes right?

Tonio, I like the cake better.

Appletini, forget the cake... how does an appletini taste?

saj, he was the one who kept pestering me to put nuts in the strawberry cake. I told him "if you keep quiet and leave me alone, I will make another cake with nuts in it"
Antonio said…
Yah i agree i asked you to put few nuts in strawberry cake.
But i didn't asked you to make the cake which was absolutely looking like a "Kadalai Mittai". Up,down,right,left,inside wherever i saw i found only nuts not cake.
But the strawberry cake was awsome girl.
Antonio said…
So Please dont say its a "Nut Cake"
Its a "Nut Case"
Anonymous said…
I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
Anonymous said…
I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth cake with me hath lifted up his heel against me
wildeyes said…
tonio, it is a nut cake, but the person baking it is the nut case :D

kavideyyyy u dont want to use sheena as a role model anymore. she's become fatttttt......ok, not fat, but shes put on have to make both the cakes for me k, packet or no packet. and for saj, all the books written will not be enough for him.
Anonymous said…
make sure u include opening instructions on that packet of cake for meghs k...remember what happened the last time u sent her banana chips...
wildeyes said…
tats ryan by the way, he was too lazy to sign in :D
Zak said…
u pervert !
Karen Xavier said…
megh's you know our cousin saj too well. And ryan what happened to the chips packet... I forgot, wonder how you remember every single detail....
Karen Xavier said…
Ryan, did you write the other biblical sounding stuff here too...
Anonymous said…
is that his hair on his T-Shirt??
PurpleHeart said…
Congrats on that cake. U could have posted the recipe too !
That Squirrel said…
wow...a regular home maker! I'm so proud and in total admiration!
And yes, dhoni looks better with a civilized haircut but still not much improvement!

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