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Product and Creative Team...

There is this monthly e-newsletter that goes out to everyone in my office. This month my team was in the Star Cast section (a section that gives you bits and pieces of information regarding the people who make up the team). They even morph us into something else... here we are like a bunch of school kids with a teacher.Name : Tarun.D.Vijay
Nick Name :
Velocity, Trun
Designation :
Asst. General Manager Product
Hobbies :
Listening to music, Pub-hopping, bird-watching, well its an endless list...
About Me : I am an optimist to the core and believe that "You can achieve anything in life". I always stay confident and happy go lucky. I always try everything from movie making to cooking (seriously that's a bore). My hobbies include traveling (and wish to travel all over the world). I love nature, beaches (that's where I hang out most of the time) and outdoor activities. I am a frequent moviegoer and also a keen music enthusiast..

I believe life's rich experiences need to be shared with others - for me this is the way one builds knowledge - I am not talking about bookish knowledge, but knowledge which is more practical and can be applied to day-to-day life.

I am neither a blogger nor a writer who will pen thoughts every now and then, but at times I guess everyone thinks of many meaningful ideas which we just let go.

What Others In The Office Say About Him: Tarun is a charming and friendly guy who speaks with this cute French American accent. He takes part actively in all the fun activities that happens in the office. But not as much as before. We are guessing that he's become much more busy these days. Always an adjusting and helping guy.

Name : Immanuel
Nick Name : Manny
Designation : Content Writer
Hobbies : Movies & Books.
About Me : I am a fun loving person. I like watching action & horror movies and spend the rest of my time reading books. I take life as it comes, "live for the moment and enjoying it to the fullest" is what I believe in.

What Others In The Office Say About Him: Relatively new to the office. Nothing much is known about him. He seems to be a friendly person. Hangs out with his select gang of team members only.

Name : Ginu
Nick Name : Ginu
Designation : Senior Web Designer
Hobbies : Driving, Traveling, Listening to Music and reading Automotive Magazines.
About Me : I'm a friendly, fun loving person. An ultimate Royal Enfield fan (rider). I love driving and I love to go on long drives on my bull.

What Others In The Office Say About Him: From God's own country and a loveable chap. He's got a sharp wit and a huge friends circle in the office. Chats with everyone in his typical mallu style Tamil. He spends his weekend at the homes of his colleagues, making merry.

Name : G. Prabhu Edwin Raj.
Nick Name : Eddie
Designation : Web Designer
Hobbies : Listening Music, Photography, and Driving.
About me : I'm cool and simple and I take life as it comes reflecting and trying to find out "who I am" in this world. I don't want to just be a man who is successful...I want to be a man of value...

What Others In The Office Say About Him: Pretty quiet guy. Hangs out with his team always. A very jovial guy. Nothing more known about him.

Name : Dinesh
Nick name : dinu

Designation : Product Manager
Hobbies : Bistro hopping is my favorite pastime so I make it a point to visit, revisit and explore new ones that spring up in and around the city. Other than that I spend time gaming and going out on long drives.
About me : I'm a pucca Chennaite and I love this place and I live life enjoying the beauty of things around me. I have a never-ending list of things that I dream of owning someday (a Ferrari is one of them). So I spend my life striving to get there soon and my motto... is to live life unconditionally, always striving to be and to find the best of everything.

What Others In The Office Say About Him :Nothing much to say about him. A really COOL guy. No hang-ups no airs, no 'I'm an important guy' attitude. Cracks good jokes and is generally what you call 'one of the guys'. We just love him.

Name : Vishnupreetham
Nick Name : Vishnu, Vish
Designation : Content Head
Hobbies : I'm addicted to books and old English songs and I always over-indulge on both. Other than that I play tennis and go for long tiring walks.
About me : There is nothing much to say other than the fact that I've tried my hand at different things and enjoy learning and evolving. My sense of humor keeps me sane.

What Others In The Office Say About Her: Hold on a minute here. Lots to say about her. Where do we start. So tomboyish yet so feminine. Like Dinesh, she's one of the guys. All of us guys tease her about her 21 st century modern woman meets wild wild west style dressing & her American accent and she takes it so sportingly.Like someone joked "any minute we expect her to draw a revolver and go rat ta tat". In fact a lot of guys and a few girls tease her all the time and she's so cool about it. Rumor has it that she is a Karate Black Belt. Which is probably why all guys maintain an arm length distance from her, literally lol. Amazing ability to interact and get along with all kinds of people in the office. She's an absolute sweetheart.

Name : T.S. Satish Naarayan
Nick Name : Satish
Designation : Senior Web Designer
Hobbies : Browsing, Photography, listening to music, reading books, playing carrom and watching movies.
About me : I am Satish Naarayan, I was born and brought up in Chennai. I finished my Bachelors Degree from Madras University. I have also completed an Advance Diploma in Multimedia from Arena Multimedia.
Characteristics that describe me best: Cool, Calm, God-fearing. My mantras in life: Time is of the essence. Always keep upgrading yourself.

What Others In The Office Say About Him: An old timer. Very quiet guy too. He always mingles with the crowd and is so adjusting. A 'happy to be part of the crowd' guy. We know nothing more about his personality.

Name : Kavitha Karen Xavier
Nick Name : Kavi, Karen
Designation : Senior Executive - Product
Hobbies : Reading, drawing, baking to mention a few....
About me : Hmm... I know whatever I do write in here is gonna get exaggerated and distorted for the readers, so I'll just jot down some random stuff 'bout me. I had a great childhood, grew up with twin brothers & a younger sister, (so you can imagine how a house with four kids is like) there was always the sound of things breaking, mom shouting, we kids fighting, laughing or crying... t'was chaos but it was a fun kinda chaos. Now all of us manage to get together once a year during the most wonderful season, Christmas. This is the month I live for... I also live for chocolates, ice cream, the rain, the ocean, the smell of something baking, music, memories, laughter, books, and a whole lot more.

What Others In The Office Say About Her: Joined recently and surprisingly has built up quite a big friends circle. When she joined, a lot of male hearts in the office broke after they came to know that she was married. She is crazy about novels and always has one in her hand. Even when she walks across the office and when she has lunch. Friendly and charming with everyone. She still remains mysterious with a Mona Lisa like smile because no one knows much about her. She's like a character from a fantasy novel. Simple looking personality on the outside, but complicated with different layers of inside.

Name : S.Mathumuniasamy
Nick Name: Mukesh
Designation : Product Development Executive
Hobbies : Watching Tv, Chating with Friends
About me : Very cool n Calm person, friendship is always important for me.

What Others In The Office Say About Him: Newly joined. Everything that applies to Immanuel also applies to him


test said…
cool photo
cool post
Anonymous said…
Yeah Right!!!
(to everything written about you)
wildeyes said…
r u sure everthing said bout u wasnt made up by u? ;D
Karen Xavier said…
Thanks Mazhalai.

Nam and Megh's, I did say they were gonna exaggerate...

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