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Book loving souls...

During the weekend we had our first book club meeting... and it was fun catching up with old pals and discussing books, movies, book fairs and just about anything. I finished reading Inkheart too, and it is a pretty good book... this is one of those rare coincidences where you find that the movie is as good as the book. I liked the way every chapter in Inkheart started with a small passage from well know books, that gave us an inkling of what the chapter deals with. There was this curse on book thieves in the book that made me laugh at the sheer intensity of it... but I think I should memorise it.
For him that stealeth, or borroweth and returneth not, this book from its owner,
Let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him
Let him be struck with palsy, and all his members blasted.
Let him languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy, and
Let there be no surcease to this agony till he sing in dissolution.
Let bookworms gnaw his entrails... and when at last he
goeth to his last punishment, let the flames of hell consume him forever.
-Curse on Book Thieves
from the Monastry of San Pedro, Barcelona, Spain.

How scary is that...


wildeyes said…
does anybody else think its ironic that poem comes from some monastery?
Karen Xavier said…
yeah, one can only imagine what kind of monks must have thrived in that monastry.
PurpleHeart said…
Karen, who are the best Indian authors you have read? Am on a mission to explore Indian authors but Anitha Nair,Shoba De,Amulya Malladi are just not my kind. I like Chetan Bhagat. Sometimes it takes a lot of reading not-so-good books to discover an author and most of the books safely find their way back to the shelf after about 10 pages...Tough to grill in the world of books, I say.
Karen Xavier said…
Sandhya, I am not that into Indian authors yet... somehow none of them seem to catch my interest. I mean I read Arundathi Roy's 'God of small things' and bits & pieces of shobha de's articles but they don't seem to pull you in, instead they put you to sleep. Anyway, I heard Vikram Seth is pretty good, haven't read any of his books though.
wildeyes said…
vikram seth is supposed to be good..but i havnt read him. read this book called 'the zoya factor' by anuja chauhan....its amazing. im sure u wont get bored.
PurpleHeart said…
Vikram Seth ! Name taken...:)
Anonymous said…
books are sleep inducers for me... such a drwosy effect, they have on me.. thanks to al my academic books for making it possible
Anonymous said…
i love vikram seth too!! sandy!

and salman rushdie's controversial ones.. robin sharma too..

but again i saye that i end up sleeping..
candice said…
i love that
i think i will write it in all my books
i think the librarian should write it in all the books he lends me!
candice said…
PurpleHeart read Rohinton Mistry's books ... A Fine Balance would be a good start

Bapsi Sidhwa, though not Indian, has good books too... Ice-Candy Man, the crow eater. She is a Pakistani writer.

Rushdie i'm not that fond of, but I loved Haroun and the Sea of Stories.

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