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Nameeta and Sheena are you up for this?

Please say yes guys... it will be fun practising...

The wedding party even recreated the whole scene on national TV, check it out...

Some funny guy made this video showing what will happen a few years down the line...

P.S: Nameeta (my sister) and Sheena (my cousin) are next in line to get married.


Carol said…
im in!! only if i get some guy who is equally crazy to do something like this.. i doubt some southie with distinction form MS university would be up be up for it.
Carol said…
though im sure i'll do the divorce dance much better..
Karen Xavier said…
Nam, you sound like me when I was goin through the whole gettin hitched phase. Anyway, the Lord works in mysterious ways... that's why Antonio was named after a Shakespearean character, the Lord knew I was a sucker for characters. I doubt our family courts will be that accomodative...
Carol said…
in that case Karen, you'd have married someonw with the name 'Vikram' , 'Shaym', 'Arya' etc etc..
wildeyes said…
ok so im gonna do something like that for my wedding. will be so cool na? hopefully by then there will be this amazing song that i can dance to. or else i was thinking elvis prelsey :D

in case of divorce, the guy will be too dead to dance.
Karen Xavier said…
Which song of Elvis megh's? And yes, please do make sure you have something like this at your wedding... when do you reckon it is gonna take place?
Lee said…
Hi Shadow in the moonlight, noticed your callsign when at Purple Heart's place. Love the callsign.
Has some mystery to it too.

Nice blog and interesting post you have.

Allow me to add, re your wedding pictures....
First the engagement ring. Then the wedding ring.
Then the suffering. Ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.
PurpleHeart said…
After watching this, I don't see a reason why the world should be bad place after all ! :)
Carol said…
know what?? you should do a post on the post that got the most comments :P remember what post it was??
Carol said…
April 17th, 2007
Awesome post :D
candice said…
i wonder what mama will think about people dancing in church! hahaha
Karen Xavier said…
Uncle Lee, thanks for stopping by..

Sandhya, :)

Nam, I don't remember what post that was. I should check it out.

Tina, I was thinking of this whole dancing thing while entering the hall... we will not be able to pull this off in our church.
Zak said…
in ngcl! dance in the church!! u wish! its the place where they teach masturbation is a sin and u have to save ur sperms in a savings account for later proper use those demented wedding classes
Karen Xavier said…
Pushpak, I thought you learnt all that in Coimbatore. And I said NOT in the church, are you nuts... I would never dream of doing that in a catholic church, I said HALL!!!
Zak said…
no one told me it was a sin...

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