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My quiet birthday...

There are some people who are birthday maniacs (like Shilpa and Nameeta) and then there are the others who just want a nice quiet peaceful day (meaning me)... I don't know why but I was never keen on celebrating my birthday. I like celebrating others birthday like Elvis, Ronaldo (the Brazilian one) & Michael Ballack ... okay I'm kidding, I celebrated Elvis's birthday only once and I happen to remember Ronaldo's and Ballack's birthday because they fall close to mine. A long time back during one of those crazy world cup days (I used to cut out pictures of footballers from the newspapers and maintain a scrap book on them... the craze returns every four years but I don't do the scrap book thing anymore) a cousin Sunoj asked me when my birthday was and here's the ensuing conversation...
Sunoj: When is your birthday?
Me: Two days after Ronaldo's and two days before Michael Ballack's.
Sunoj: Oh...
Me: When is your birthday?
Sunoj: 9 days before Jesus Christ's...

Yeah, after that conversation when people ask me when my birthday is I just tell them the date. Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand... I told Antonio I wanted a quiet birthday this year, and the guy orders a cake with the words "Wishing you a quiet birthday" on it. That guy is so funny, makes me laugh all the time & I then call up Nameeta, tell her the joke and we both start laughing and Tonio says "What, you girls think I am a joker or something?" and that cracks us up even more.

The first call I got for my birthday really surprised me, it was Mother Magdalene (the Mother Superior) from the special school I used to work in earlier. She called and I was like 'Motherrrrrr you remembered!' She said ' How can I forget your birthday child...' ain't she really sweet. My sister kept calling throughout the day singing the birthday song (birthday freak... kidding nam) and there was a small gathering at home for lunch... I like the way food plays a major role in binding families together. Any event in the family and everybody gets together to cook up a great spread, and after a splendid lunch the elders all sit around and discuss other elders while the kids get together and create enough havoc to break up the discussion and then its bye bye till the next birthday comes along. Today too there was a birthday lunch party and we got together to cook up a great feast... so cool.


Zak said…
i remembered ur quiet bday and called you from 15000 miles away! that is the appx distance fucking emirates and a crow will travel if they fly from chennai to nyc. Inspite of u exhibiting your arrogance by pretending not to see my call at 12am ,in called u in the day!and ur mentioning a joke that ive been hearing for the past 22 yrs atleast 250 times from him! apparently they taught him who Jesus was when he was 4! DUCK ODD!!!
Karen Xavier said…
what happened to you saj... its a joke, blogs are supposed to be funny... its not a list of all the people who rang up throughout the day. What's gotten into you...
wildeyes said…
he's just feeling bad cos u didnt mention him on ur quiet bday and
Raina is not there to kiss his bubu.

but tonio is really funny.tell him to update his blog, i love reading i.
I was laughing like anything reading this..

"I wanted a quiet birthday this year, and the guy orders a cake with the words "Wishing you a quiet birthday" on it."
Zak said…
yeah i feel terrible
Karen Xavier said…
Hehe... megh's, haven't heard that word in a long time. Saj, a bubu is a hurt or wound, parents used to use the word often when we were very small... and Raina will be back soon, stop fretting and growing cranky. Go bake some bread to ease the bubu's in life... baking is cathartic.

Joshua, yeah, you can imagine my surprise when I saw the cake... it made my day. Nice of you to drop by Josh, any more pix's up on your blog? Let me check...
Jude said…
Baking is cathartic is seems.
And I wished you too, you nut.
Karen Xavier said…
JB, its a good thing this is not an oscar or nobel award acceptance speech... you guys would have hired hitmen by now.
Zak said…
im not talking about eating baking powder talking about just BAKING... using words like cathartic wont cover up your lack of sensitivity !!!
Karen Xavier said…
Saj, you don't have to eat baking powder... just check the dictionary meaning of cathartic and I mean the normal meaning not the medicinal one...
cathartic - emotionally purging,
psychotherapeutic, healthful - conducive to good health of body or mind...
Antonio said…
Ahh guys calm down....
It was really a quiet birthday with her. She was quiet the whole day different from the other days.

I don't see any commments from nameeta yet.

Megha, I will post soon.

Bro, Ignore these girls.
Zak said…
they are parasites ..i try my best to ignore them ..they come up with words luke bubu and tempt me into these unintellectual conversations..what to do...nalladhukku kaalam illai!
Jane Hamilton said…
Hi Karen, Happy belated Birthday...when IS your birthday, anyway?? Well, after your post on a quiet birthday, looks like it isn't quiet anymore!!

Nice to know you enjoyed your day, though. And, I agree, your hubby is a real funnyguy.
Karen Xavier said…
Hey Jane, thanks... my birthday is two days after Ronaldo's & two days before ballack's :p . Anyway, my birthday is on the 24th of September.
wildeyes said…
whats wrong with u guys?? ur not gonna win some million dollar award for calling her, u know.
mahesh said…
Belated Birthday Wishes Kavi!
May God bless you and your family with joy and good health!
Have a super-year :)
Anonymous said…
it is easier to remember the birthday when it is close to Ronaldo's .. He is gonna be back for the next worldcup.. Coach dunga wud have a tuffer time in team selection..

btw porandha naal nal vaazhthukkal.. GOD BLESS YOU
Jude said…
megs dont be so jealous. I'm sure you got a lot of calls too.
wildeyes said…
jude, u dont have enough fingers and toes to count how many calls i get, so lets not go there :P

no one forced u to call her, did they?
Karen Xavier said…
hehe, funny megh's and Jude didn't call he sent an sms.
Karen Xavier said…
Mahesh, thank you :)

Chriz, you told me to check your blog long back, I forgot... will check now. And yeah, I hope Ronaldo scores more goals in next years world cup. Thanks for dropping by.

JB, I think you guys are jealous...
Zak said…
jealous of what...
Zak said…
is megs hungry...she seems to be talking a lot

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