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The Tragedy of the Coconut Trees...

So the people down the lane have given up their land to the builders to construct apartments and a massacre took place... five majestic coconut trees and a luxurious tamarind tree were chopped down in a few hours. This is one of the reasons I liked Avatar, I loved the way they existed with nature, loved the way they worshiped her in the form of Eywa... loved the way they treated animal life with respect, especially liked the hammock like cocoon that they sleep in. I wish they (the Na'vi) would come to earth and overtake us and transform the way we live... cause obviously we don't seem to learn.
Here he is climbing up the first tree...
He sure is brave, that tree is about 40 feet high and he scampers up it without any regard for his safety...
Silhouetted against the sky...
He has chopped off the branches and now he has scampered down to cut the tree mid way, so that it doesn't crash into the neighbouring houses. He has attached that dangling rope to the top most part of the tree, so that the men on the ground can pull on it & make it fall where they want it to.

There she goes down...

Resting a while between trees, before he gets to work on the next one...

Hacking away on the second tree...

Another one goes down...

They once stood tall and strong...

The massacre continues...

Getting to work on the last tree...
There he is, up in those branches. The light seems to form a halo round the tree... that's the last those branches will sway in the wind.

The tallest tree... well not any more.
There goes another branch...
Tragic stumps...
Fruits of its former glory...

Here's the fallen tamarind tree, sliced through with an electric saw....

If you ask me, I think we should have become extinct and that dinosaurs should have still ruled the earth... they would have atleast done less damage.


Elisabeth said…
Terrible amputations to me, as if someone has severed a person's limb.

This is devastating stuff, all in the name of progress. What progress.
Icychips said… very dramatic!! :D
Karen Xavier said…
Elisabeth, yeah progress at the price of destroying our beautiful planet... its sad but times are like that.

Shil, 'wala' a new exclamation... I like it. I tend to exaggerate from time to time, but this was sad... I feel its become hotter here because the trees are gone.
That Squirrel said…
It's sad, isn't it? Now Kerala can brag on how they have sooooo much more coconut trees than us and preserve them :D
I wish people didn't destroy such lands to build commercial stuff or flats. I hear Nagercoil is also becoming a sell-out. :(
Karen Xavier said…
I hope Nagercoil never reaches this stage of development...

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