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An Indian Summer...

Before I got married, summer meant no school (I was working in a special school) and visits to the coconut farm where we would spend the time drinking tender coconut water and soaking ourselves in a small tank like pool, watching the sun rays dance on the surface of the clear underground water (used to irrigate the land). The coolness of the water gushing out of the bore well pipe and the serenity of the secluded farm made life wonderful. An Indian summer in all its glory can really wane your senses and drive you insane... so you can imagine what a blessing the farm is. Today while standing in the kitchen and cursing the Tamilian way of eating lunch (what with the rice and its numerous curries and the accompanying vegetable dishes.... either people should take it upon themselves to cook all this in a hot sultry kitchen or else learn to embrace the European culture of bread, mashed potatoes, fresh salad and a slice of grilled meat), the mosquitoes and the landscape of the world in general cause India just happened to be situated near the Equator... I remembered those good old days...
The insanely good tender coconut water...

The tank like pool, with crystal cool water gushing out from under the earth... 

Its a pretty nice place to relax and read a great book, like the one shown in the picture. Its 'Between a rock and a hard place' by real like mountaineer and adventurer Aron Ralston whose harrowing ordeal in a canyon is depicted in the movie 127 hours.
Playing by the water...

Effectively maintaining my sanity and having fun at the same time... 

Summer in the city is spent trying to quickly finish your work in the kitchen and then running to the bedroom to switch on the AC and thanking God for Willis Haviland Carrier, the man who invented modern air conditioning.


So very true, Karen. I agree with you 100% on everything you've said. I cannot imagine my life without the air-con :)

Joy always,
BackStage said…
Getting drenched like that looks heavenly in this melting heat!
Jane Hamilton said…
Hey Karen! It's been quite a while since I visited your blog, and the first thing I see when I come back is you sitting under flowing cool water!! I am so jealous! It is soooo hot and sultry here, I would give anything to be sitting in that tank of water... boohooo!

And you're absolutely right about cooking South Indian food. Who the heck wants to stand in a hot sweltering kitchen chopping onions and chillies, and making 5 dishes, when all they really want to do is sip on a cool lemonade?!?! And really, who WANTS to eat all that hot curry when the sun is literally drinking up our sweat through our heads?! Sheesh! And yet, never do you see people compromising on the heavy lunches even during summer! And to think that we have to prepare them everyday... Ugh! I am all for a light salad and a watermelon slice chilled...Mmm now that WOULD be heavenly... :)

Oh, by the way Karen...Sorry, but I just found out that you and I have chosen the same font for our blog post titles. Totally not trying to rip you off! :D ... looks like both of us love the design options on blogger, hehe!
Karen Xavier said…
Susan, nice to see you here... hope you are doing good :)

Gibsy, the huge bustling city can never compare to the magic of an ordinary day in the small town.

Jane, I am with you on the whole Indian cooking drama! I too can't understand how they eat rasam and stuff like that in this summer heat, I thrive on yogurt...
We have good taste in fonts :) we selected a quaint and classy one.
Zak said…
this font is so curvy that I almost didnt notice the ) ...I was wondering why you said europeans eat grilled meat and mosquitoes
Aarthi said…
lovely place...i love that little pool...and karen..I have a giveaway in my blog..if you wish check that

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