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The gut wrenching situation in Norway and Somalia...

It's sad to think about what's happening in Norway and Somalia...mindless violence in one and terrible famine in the other. The situation in Norway shook me up, first of all you don't expect bomb blasts in Norway neither do you expect some deranged lunatic to start gunning down people there. Even worse was the fact that the shooting spree took place at a youth camp, where young folks gather annually to take part in political activities and make new friends. Imagine that, people just like you and me, on the brink of a new and exciting life... with dreams hopes and ambitions, imagine their plight as the trigger happy lunatic walked around the camp shooting everybody in sight. Apparently this demented lunatic entered the camp dressed as a police officer and after he started gunning down people in one section of the camp, he calmly walked to another section and told the students that everything was fine, and that they could come into the open. Believing him to be a police officer the students came out of their hiding places only to be fired at again... and this went on uninterrupted for close to an hour. He even fired into the groups of dead bodies to make sure no one was hiding among the dead. When the police arrived much later, he surrendered without any resistance. So far he seems to have worked alone, he doesn't seem to belong to any group the papers say. Before this shooting took place he placed a bomb near the prime minister's office, and killed about seven people there... at the youth camp about eighty people lost their lives. One can only imagine the sheer horror and trauma of the survivors and the victims family... all of them victims of a deranged mind.

In Somalia, the numbers are more... shockingly high, people just dropping down and dying cause of starvation. A mother seeing all her seven children die one after the after, entire families perishing... because of famine. First the cattle, herd, and all the livestock started dying with no food and water... then the people started migrating to Kenya and the nearby places, many perished along the way. The refugee camps in Kenya are apparently spilling over, they have no place to accommodate so many people... and the papers say the situation is indeed dire, the numbers are expected to rise drastically in the coming days. To make matters worse some militant group is hampering the UN relief work, they claim that there is no famine and they make it impossible for relief supplies to reach the worst affected areas. Why is this happening... why is the world minding its own business. What do you do when you see impossibly thin kids in newspapers just lying there in their mother's arms... how do you look at their faces and go about your day, knowing their day isn't gonna be long. Sometimes everything seems so bleak, these gut wrenching events only drive home the fact of how futile everything in life is...

Watch over all of them Lord... both the living and the perished.


BackStage said…
Yes I read on the Norway incident - really sad that one lunatic shattered the lives and peace of hundreds..

It's really heart breaking that I watch people here throw away good food when I know that in some part of the world people will actually be grateful if you hand them a morsel to eat.
Karen Xavier said…
:) only one to comment.
The situation is a mess in Somalia, some Muslim rebels affiliated to Al- Qaeda are refusing help because they are against anything western.They even refused vaccination for the new borns in that region cause they suspected that it was a sinister move by the western world. Now due to that, kids are dying by the dozen, lack of immunization. Crazy situation...

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