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Showing posts from May, 2012

Loacker Paradise...

When my brother came down recently for our cousin's wedding he bought these dainty wafer cookies, and I was a goner from bite one. I specifically told him not to bring any chocolates, cause there is another big wedding coming up in the family and nobody wants to pack on a few extra pounds. These can be eaten without all the remorse and guilt, it's mostly wafer with some lovely chocolate filling... and they are so darn good. You get started and you have to will yourself to stop... but it's no big deal cause I'm sure this is way more healthy than ordinary chocolate.    There are many flavours, this is the chocolate one...  And you open the packet to find... manna in your hand.  Okay, everything stated here is entirely my view and nobody in Loacker's contacted me to write all this, though I am feverishly hoping they will after this :o) Have a pleasant weekend everybody. (I like the way I fool myself into thinking I have a lot of readers, '...

A small town living and a cousin's wedding...

Growing up in a small town, I used to tell my sister that we were like Tom Cruise here… people used to talk about us the way we talked about Tom Cruise. It’s not that we stood out or had celebrity parents; we were kinda different from the rest in our interests, thoughts and most importantly dressing. Life was pretty good in a small town, slow paced and entirely taken up by school activities. But somehow along the way, I kinda started drifting away from known people and the relatives; I found that I had nothing to say to them and making small talk was genuinely uncomfortable when I was struggling with the language. Many of them (the aunts) were actually real nice and kind. A few were like cows, grazing the pasture for fodder to fuel their gossip. Over time, it became quite easy to spot the genuine caring aunts from the cud chewing aunts and their typical gasbag husbands. Now when we (us siblings) see them coming, we say a little prayer for our sanity, and then we smile and nod away ...

Of Hunger Games and Mockinjay's....

So my sister was in town and I knew she would drag me to see the Hunger Games movie like she dragged me to see Real Steel and Mission Impossible (Ghost Protocol) during her previous visits. In all fairness Hugh Jackman and Tom Cruise are themselves enough of a force to drag a non moviegoer like me to the cinemas... it's just that I can't stand the sound of everything crashing or blowing up or firing away in the confines of a darkened room. Couple these deafening sounds with the fast moving images on screen and I start hyperventilating... yeah, I know, I'm no fun. I prefer movies that most people usually avoid like Jane Eyre or any of Jane Austen's adaptations or the Sound of Music or some true story drama where emotions are pretty intense and you start bawling your eyes out and falling in love with the characters on screen. This was true in Real Steel, that little kid could smile his way into anyone's heart. Ghost Protocol was pathetic compared to Real Steel, but...