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Loacker Paradise...

When my brother came down recently for our cousin's wedding he bought these dainty wafer cookies, and I was a goner from bite one. I specifically told him not to bring any chocolates, cause there is another big wedding coming up in the family and nobody wants to pack on a few extra pounds. These can be eaten without all the remorse and guilt, it's mostly wafer with some lovely chocolate filling... and they are so darn good. You get started and you have to will yourself to stop... but it's no big deal cause I'm sure this is way more healthy than ordinary chocolate.   
There are many flavours, this is the chocolate one... 

And you open the packet to find...
manna in your hand. 

Okay, everything stated here is entirely my view and nobody in Loacker's contacted me to write all this, though I am feverishly hoping they will after this :o)

Have a pleasant weekend everybody. (I like the way I fool myself into thinking I have a lot of readers, 'everybody' probably means my sister, mom, one or two other people and some hackers from China who keep posting random nonsensical comments).


Anonymous said…
Have a good weekend karen! Chocolate is bliss :-) You have tempted me with the pics, my next to do is to stock up chocolates in my pantry :-)

_ saras
Ganesh Puttu said…
when i see this..i get one word echoing in my ear its FAT...FAT....FAT...damn choc's are soo tempting and yummy..if you are not hell bent on losing wieght...then they become the handmaidens of satan...
Rashmi Kotian said…
Hey hi karen!!
How are you? Hope u remember me?
Hey i have subscribed to your blog but y dont i get any notifications whenever u post something new.. :(
Anyways the wafer cookies looks yummmmyyyy...
I love the way u think and write them down, may be i am bias since ur birthday is also in sept like mine.. See ya Keep Writing, u have one ardent fan here...!!
Palomasea said…
Oh dear, they are my weakness...have you tried the lemon? Divine!!
Enjoy ;)
- Irina
Karen Xavier said…
Saras, yeah, chocolate is bliss... my only drug in this maddening world. Nice to see you here :)

Ganesh, handmaiden of Satan... couldn't have said it better myself.

Rashmi, you are every blogger's dream. I've been trying to get in touch with you on FB/gmail, if you see this, send a line to

Paloma, I haven't tried lemon yet... but I've heard people raving about it. Will try to get hold of it soon.

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