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My Wall Christmas Tree....

So I saw this picture on Pinterest a few months back and I thought of replicating the same at home this Christmas. Tell me what you think of my wall Christmas tree...
I know the original picture used logs of wood, but I didn't want to poke holes in the wall... they had to have drilled holes or something, how else are those logs held up? Anyway, I used a sheet of cardboard, cut it into strips and arranged them in a tree like fashion.
There was some old wire lying about, and I used that to link the strips of cardboard... this way, only one nail would do.
Then bought some (rather masculine looking) gift wrapping paper and wrapped each individual cardboard strip in this paper. I wanted to give it a rugged look, that's why didn't pick up any glittery or flowery wrapping paper.
Next made the star that comes on top of the tree with yellow chart paper.
Made a few Christmas ornaments to go on the tree... used ordinary cardboard and glitter powder. 
Some more ornaments... 
Next it's time to hang up the tree, the cardboard strips may not align themselves in a straight horizontal pattern. I had to use some double sided foam tape to stick the errant ends to the wall. Once that is done and all the strips are aligned, attach the little ornaments and put up the star on top.
Thread some serial lights through them in a zig zag pattern... and you're done.
Switch off the lights in the room and enjoy your very own wall Christmas tree. Even though making this can be a little daunting, the effort is worth it in the end. I love how it makes the room glow with Christmas warmth, I'm looking at it right now as I am writing this...
The star looks especially stunning with those rays of light streaming out through the many loops... all in all  this wall tree makes a nice cozy Christmas presence. 


Achu said…
Amazing :) wishing to see more and more crafts :)
mahesh said…
Excellent Karen simply excellent :)
Deepa Iyer said…
Very warm & creative. Merry Christmas!
Looks gorgeous, Karen. How on earth do you find time to do so many things?

Wishes of the season to you and yours.

Joy always,
Karen Xavier said…
Thanks people,hope everyone's having a wonderful Christmas season...
Zak said…
I'm impressed, I've never met such a smart mind inside such a big head before.
NOW THAT is cool! I so love the innovative and DIFFERENT ideas you can pick up on Pinterest!

Karen, you sound very familiar to me; thank you for coming by to visit this morning. Your name sounds very familiar!

Happy Christmas! Anita
Karen Xavier said…
Ha, Daemon that's exactly what I think of you... all the time.

Anita, yeah, Pinterest is liberating to say the least... so many ideas and things to do.
Gemel said…
AMAZING love it
Randy said…
I love your tree. I saw something similar in a magazine. I will have to try it next year.
Karen Xavier said…
Gemel and Randy, thank you...

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