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Chamonix, Mont Blanc...

Chamonix (shah-mo-nee) is a mountainous town in France situated at the base of the Alps and barely a two hour drive from Geneva. So one weekend we drove down to this beautiful little town, and at first glance we were in love with this place... 
First glimpse as you enter Chamonix...
The lovely hotel we stayed at... 
The dining area at the hotel, ate the best croissant here. Whenever me and Nam went to supermarkets we would always pick up different croissants to eat, some filled with chocolate, others with custard. But the most beautiful croissants we ever had were at this restaurant, delicately flaky burnished exterior coupled with a warm doughy interior.
 Entertainment room, with a TV console at one end
And a book shelf at the other...
 The adjoining bar... 
The reception...
 The entrance...
 View outside the hotel, took this while waiting for the bus. It was lunch time when we reached, so we checked into our rooms and took a bus to the town square... which is bout ten minutes away.
Grilled beef steak and fries... 
Grilled duck meat and a baked potato dish... 
 Ravioli, another great discovery (for me).... loved this spinach and cheese stuffed pasta dish. I've heard of ravioli from Giovanni Capello (my favourite character in Mind Your Language, skip to 7:30 in the video) before, but this is the first time I was tasting it and it was exquisite. 
 Town square, and the main church right in the centre...
The church of St. Michael where we attended Sunday mass in french... the service was quite nice, with mostly old people in attendance. 
 Inside the church you see St. Michael guarding the tabernacle...
 A quaint place just outside the church...
 Cute owner and a beautiful husky...
Wall murals... like a real life scene. 
 Strolling around in the town square...
 The bus stop... with the alps looming around majestically. 
 The hotel at night... 
 Went walking with Nam early the next morning... 
 Came across this beautiful chapel... 
 Went inside exploring...
 It's a small chapel for weddings...
 Coloured windows casting a nice somber shade inside...
 The Altar...
 I had to take a close up of the cross, Jesus is depicted like a stick figure...  
 Loved this quaint little chapel hidden away behind the town...
 View outside the chapel...
 The mountains and autumn leaves...
 The chapel, in all her stunning beauty...
 Walking back, saw this cute little house...
 A cyclist and the glinting sunlight...
 Just walking around, taking in the sights..
A twenty minute walk along the banks of this gurgling and gushing stream that runs through Chamonix, leads to the town square... 
 A cute place... just a wooden house with flowers sprouting everywhere. 
 I couldn't stop taking pictures...
 The whole place is like one giant postcard... picturesque every way you turn. 
 You know how people leave flags or other objects to mark their journey, I had to leave something... something intangible to mark my fleeting journey, a breath of gratitude, evaporated and incorporated into the beautiful mountains that surround this charming place. 

Church bells echoing all over the place... 


Merlesworld said…
It would be hard to stop taking pictures it is a very pretty place.
Haddock said…
Wonderful pictures.
Like Merlesworld said, its very difficult to stop.
Red Handed said…
Looks like a great trip!
That ravioli is inviting me!
Nat said…
It is a beautiful region... I have been hiking in the summer and snowshoeing in the winter around there. Magnifique!
Dana said…
Wow! It's so beautiful there. I don't think I'd ever want to leave!
yummychunklet said…
Great photo tour!
mahesh said…
SIGH..... huge one.....

A beautiful town with lovely pictures of the church. The cafe is quaint; ravioli looks smashing; husky is adorable :)

I really wish you would compile this Euro-tip diary into a PDF with all the pictures; it will be lovely :)

Keep blogging :)

Akanksha Jain said…
Wonderful pictures depict how wonderful the place would be. Great Going!!

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