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World Cup 2014, Brasil... so far

This world cup is proving to be far more exciting and entertaining than usual... I started watching the world cup in 2002, that was when college had just concluded and there wasn't anything else to do. So as I was switching channels, I came across a game on TV and Brazil were playing and I really didn't know any of the players or the rules of the game... but one guy kept me hooked, Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima, and that is why I started watching the biggest game on the planet, solely because of this one guy. Brasil winning the world cup that year cemented my interest in this once-in-four-years event that takes over the globe. 

So anyway, this year with whatsapp and instagram, the world cup experience has gone up a whole new level... there are continuous discussions on whatsapp with cousins and friends while the match is going on, hilarious memes are shared and passed around, goals are discussed, cute players are discussed even more... in short, we are having a great time hanging out together despite being separated by oceans and continents. Here are some moments of the 2014 world cup that entertained us and took us on a gamut of emotions as we witnessed the game on a global arena.  

Van Persie's diving header goal
This was amazing, the term 'flying dutchman' was inevitable after this... I liked the way they used his name creatively in headlines like: 'Spain got Persie-cuted' or 'Is it a bird! Is it a plane! It's Super Van!' People started doing the #persieing and apparently his grandfather got in on it too! Check out these meme's... 
 His goal was a work of art, a three way high five... read this meme
This was quite funny, Persie soaring above Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil...

Ochoa's brilliant saves
I like this guy, Guillermo Ochoa... after the amazing saves he made while playing Brazil, he was dangerously close to forming his own religion. The ochoa meme's are quite funny too... too bad his defense was breached by the Netherlands.
This is how the Brazilian team saw Ochoa... 

Torres shirt tearing spectacle
Even though it was tough watching the world champions leave, Torres made the last match memorable... someone tore his shirt so he stepped off the field to change and the temperature in the stadium just went up...
Look at him, wow! Pretty neat caption too...

Messi's last minute curved shot
This had perfection written all over it and only the likes of him could have spun magic like this at the last minute to save his team...
 Our whatsapp group icon was immediately changed to this after that goal... still awed by him. 

Suarez biting
Haha, this biting episode unleashed another torrent of internet meme's...

How Suarez sees his opponents... 

If this wasn't funny enough, Suarez released a statement saying that he lost his balance and fell on Chiellini's shoulder and hurt his teeth in the process.

Brazil and Chile penalties
What an unbelievably nerve racking match, of course I wanted Brazil to win for old time's sake... but Chile losing to them was quite sad. Chile fought well, played really well and they deserved to go through. Even the first goal that Brazil scored was an own goal... I wonder why Luiz was celebrating.

The Chilean and Mexican coaches
I liked the Chilean coach, Jorge Sampaoli, with his perpetual energy stalking the sidelines like a tiger sizing up the prey. The Mexican coach, Miguel Herrera, is probably the most entertaining and feistiest coach out there... every time Mexico scored he went nuts.

USA thanking Cristiano Ronaldo for helping them qualify
 I thought this was pretty funny...
Hehe... poor guy...
And then there's Germany, who are very good... but we don't want them to win. So we were discussing Miroslav Klose and how he should never score another goal, cause we don't want him to break the real Ronaldo's record... 
There has been no dearth of drama or the disappearing foam (every time the referee uses this I stop whatever I'm doing to watch the players fidgeting and trying to stay behind the magical disappearing foam) these past few weeks... and what with discovering James Rodriguez, and reading articles like this, and wondering how much these players spend on their hairstyles... I wonder what more is in store..

All pictures have been taken from the internet... well, except the last one.


Nairz said…

Dont say that about Klose!!
The German national team has never lost a game in which Klose has scored!!
Draffin Bears said…
Hi Karen,

Great post about the World Cup - it is getting exciting and the question is who do you think will win.

Happy new week
Anonymous said…
Well my dear the Germans won and deservedly so!

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