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And so it goes...

So where do I start.... January was fun, been so buried under books, didn't really find time to jot down stuff here. January started off on a fun note; after a midnight mass under flashing lights that were really giving me a headache, yeah, my church in the village is really big on tacky lighting... it's almost like a contest here. The more tackier and multicoloured the lighting the more it depicts your devotion I guess, and every religious establishment takes this rule dead seriously. I'm not kidding, I even went and told the guy in charge to please switch off the flashing lights during the service and he had the audacity to tell me to go inside the church and sit with the humongous crowd. Anyway, I went back to my place and whispered to my brother in law about the lack of etiquette in church festivals, and my sister glared at us and asked whether we had any ourselves...
 The church with the flashing lights and multicoloured stars...

After the midnight mass, we came home with the cousins, cut a cake, drank some wine and then set out at 2am to the farm. Once we got there, we got into the water tank and soaked around till 5am, downing tequila shots and eating unhealthy food, which I can say in hindsight is not that great when you find your head spinning in the morning. So no one was more surprised than me, about the way things turned out, anyway...
 Here is my river, a cousin took this awesome picture, thanks Veena :)
Another river we visited 
Met Indira there, rubbed her ears and they were like really rough with tiny hair bristles... her eyes were piercingly beautiful. 

And so it goes, that's what I'm listening to right now, check it out...

Don Williams, I remember his songs playing on the radio when I was a kid. Dad used to listen to him, Charley Pride and the like... but Don Williams always stood out, his songs have this evocative quality to them and this one here is no different, what he sings is heartrendingly true 'Nature goes about her business, with new surprises everyday.'

That's what 2015 will be remembered for, the surprises, the trips, the conscious unlearning, the stirring of the sands of time, the clarity amidst the din, and for the Sherlockian trip down the mind palace, where fragmenting into Christmas decorations and the heightening of every sensation was exhilarating and scary at the same time (kinda like the abominable bride, it was well worth the wait).
Here's to many more trips of the mind, body and soul... 


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