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Hues of Warm Sunshine

The special school I used to work in released their Silver jubilee souvenir this year and here's something I penned down for it.

Hues of Warm Sunshine

     Shanthi Nilayam, School for the Mentally Challenged in Paruthivilai, is one of my favourite places on earth, I loved working here. I remember waking up in the morning and wondering, ‘what is going to happen today?’. Every day was exciting, you never knew what was in store – the kids were so unpredictable, the teachers were a hilarious bunch, and the sisters were always welcoming. My tenure in Shanthi Nilayam was an immeasurable learning experience, filled with joy, fun and togetherness. There is a quaint little chapel in the convent, one only has to enter it and spend a few minutes; the calmness and serenity of that simple chapel fills you with an inexplicable peace. Those were the days when I didn't mind working extra hours or even during Sundays, cause work there never really felt like work... it was just one big happy family.

     While I was working there, I loved waiting for the school bus to enter the campus. That yellow bus always marked the start of an exciting day. Right from the moment the kids hit the ground, the fun starts. Every child was unique, they had their own quirks and habits but they all had one thing in common; their ability to love was beyond comparison. They really have the most tender hearts; I remember watching a big tall boy, stoop down to wipe the tears off a little child’s face. No words were exchanged, but divine love filled that moment. These children really embody divinity in earthly form. I am acutely aware of how enriched my existence is because of the years I’ve spent in Shanthi Nilayam. 

      I remember the school annual day, Christmas day, other celebrations and the effort we put into them. There was always a sense of adventure in the air marked with poignant moments that made life meaningful. Of course, questions and doubts abound in a place like this, and answers are hard to articulate, but no other job has brought the same level of satisfaction and purpose. Working in Shanthi Nilayam were some of the best years of my life and this special school will always be shrouded in hues of warm sunshine in my memory, it is a great place to be.


Eube Blossom said…
Very nice 👌
Karen Xavier said…
Thank you, Blossom :)

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