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Another year...

Another year, 2020, how fast the years roll by... the transition from 2019 to 2020 was fun enough, surrounded by family, friends and
 an influx of angels.
I saw a paper doily angel online and since then this is what I have been making in December, an army of paper doily angels...
To be placed in the crib, at last count there were about 23 angels in the crib in my hometown...

Ah, Christmas is fun even though I couldn't get into the whole giddy Christmas mood this year. I don't know why, I kept listening to Winter Song by Fernando Ortega and My Favourite Time of the Year by The Florin Street Band, to get into the high spirited mood of Christmas... and though that helped a bit, everything was kinda subdued and serene. I guess Christmas as a festival just isn't appealing anymore, but Christmas as a time where love comes to stay in the form of family and friends who travel home for the holidays is more meaningful. Christmas is more than the lights on the tree, the star in every house, the hint of cinnamon in the baking, the sweet smell of the Christmas crib, the carols playing softly, and dressing up for the midnight mass... Christmas is the light in the eyes of the people you love, Christmas is the love that never gives up even when things seem bleak, Christmas is knowing that love will always stay in you and me, and maybe that's why all the colourful external decoration does not mean as much as it used to when I know nothing purer and more beautiful could exist than
 your heart that taught me to love.. and being immersed in nature is one of the most beautiful ways to feel this love that's just pulsing all around us.

Okay, enough with the metaphysical ramblings, back to the purpose of this post, to keep a record of Christmas 2019. When you have two homes to decorate, the Libra in you goes to another level... I used to keep crib quiz's for family and friends. I'd introduce something new and ask them what's new in the crib, or I'd ask them to give me the final count of angels in the crib... it's a wonder I still have people who love me, I know.
Chennai home crib... 
The ajrakh floor crib in Chennai...
Chennai home...
Tree in Chennai...
Christmas in my hometown...
The tree with the paper doily angel tree topper, that my brother said looks like the angel is on steroids... 
Made these paper doily angels for greeting cards that can be used as Christmas decor.
Bailey under the tree...
Celebrating twin brother's birthdays... . 
The lights... 
Books as gifts during this festive season... 
Known as Jolabokaflod in Iceland, it's an Icelandic tradition to gift books during Christmas. 
Last year's card as this year's decor... 
The rum cake I made for New Year...
A video of all the fun times... 
With some amazing people...

Have a wonderful 2020 everybody...


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