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Year Transition 2023 to 2024

Been quite a while since I wrote in here. Atleast once a month I think about writing here, but I lose track of time and before I know it, the year 2024 is already here. Anyway, let's see what I've been upto... Christmas was fun in Chennai. Chennai feels alive in December, there's this magic in the air when the temperature drops. New Year's in my hometown was chaotic; it's ironic how life in the city seems calm and peaceful as opposed to my little hamlet which is always bustling with craziness. Cribs were set up in both the places and I love the crib part of Christmas, it's just so embraceable. As the years go by, more creatures, animals, rocks, things that I find/pick up from different places find their way into the crib and it's beautiful to see them all sitting in a perfect nativity glow. Lots of cakes/brownies were baked and distributed, partied with cousins and friends and of course visited the sacred mountains, fields and seas of home. 

The crib in chennai... 

With wild reed from my hometown... 

The Asus laptop box crib...

The crib in my hometown
The impromptu tree that was set up after Christmas. 

He did come to give life and life in all its fullness. 


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