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Five sacraments up, one more to go....

Life couldn't be better, the past few weeks have been hectic and wonderful in so many different ways. Everythin went off well, except for the weather. The cousins who travelled all the way from Bombay rocked the place (sheena we missed you). Anju was there for both the functions and unfortunately she found someone to talk to. Sajeeve 'The Mahathma' visited his homeland after a long time and it was great having him around. Met his brother Sunoj and you can't help but love that guy, he's so funny. Ashwin dropped in at the reception looking all hep and cool. Roamed around a lot, ate a lot of good food (check Sajeeve's blog for pictures), received a lot of gifts, spent a week at my new home, had a lot of fun..... now everythin and everybody is slowly getting back to normal.
Somehow I am reminded of this line from the movie Sound of Music, "When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window."
He made everythin go well...


Ryan W.F. said…
Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. But a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

any chance of a lil master or miss fernandez?
Zak said…
nice nice!
Zak said…
how is the BOOK OF LIFE we gave u kavidey!
Zak said…
Grrr! was the unfortunate someone me :-| HUH!!! !! when will u all realise how fortunate and privileged u all are to have me around!
Zak said…
Ryan ! she is not Natasha Henstridge from species to get a lil master or miss fernandes so soon!
muddled said…
ur wedding was fun!
PurpleHeart said…
congrats on ur wedding ! May God bless u !
Zak said…
yeah tina ! the height of it was u and jais in a scooty in the hot nagercoil road! me and jovan were laughing our ass out from behind ! we thought there was no tyre in the scooty!
Karen Xavier said…
yeah, somehow all you guys seem fascinated byt eh scooty...
Zak said…
namidey says :p

Fed up! Fed up! FED UP!!!!! says:
ok give me the blog address... let me by heart it.. cause i have to open karens blog everytime i want to see yours...
Fed up! Fed up! FED UP!!!!! says:
and im fed of seeing hers and antionios back side now
Anonymous said…
Sounds like your friends and cousins had a blast! Sad I couldn't be there :)
Zak said…
sunoj says : ill get into blogosphere soon
test said…
this the only pic i saw
Jude said…
so you're done with holy matrimony. what's the one that is left

I posted something btw.
That Squirrel said…
You shine like a newly married woman!! even through your blog :)
The ceremony and receptions did go great! We'll catch up sometime!

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