Was a bit bored one day at work, and the weather outside was so nice, makes you wish you were out there in the open, under the sun, near the waves... my office is located quite close to the sea, and the sea with all its colors is deeply fascinating. Anyway, the sea that day was calm and beautiful when all of a sudden, it's colors started changing, it took on this grayish hue and the sky started darkening... and then it was pure chaos. The winds started chasing the waves, the sky above was bellowing at them both, and the clouds started pouring out it's fury (it rained...) Anyway, I was watching all this and that's why the attempt at poetry.... View at Work The dazzling blue sky entrances The glimmering surface below it Lulls it to a peaceful cozy dream That sparkles & kisses the shore. The rumbling ends this romance As the waves begin to dance & flit Provoking the winds to scream Thereby creating earth's musical score. Eventually the ripples appear t...