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Ham and Egg Sandwich...

This is a really simple sandwich, and of course it's gonna taste as good as it sounds... I mean it's ham and egg and what's not to love there. Makes a nice Sunday brunch with a glass of iced tea.
So getting started, saute some sliced onions... till they get that brownish caramelized tint.

Then heat the ham slices, till they give off a nice smell...
Here the onions are nicely browned and supple...
Chop up the ham and add it to this.
Now let's start layering the bread. I have used wheat bread here and no, I have no buttered it, you can if you want to though. And the onion and ham mix onto the bread.
Then top it with some chopped capsicum and sliced eggs.
Sprinkle a little salt and pepper...
Scrape some cheddar cheese over this. I had cheese slices at home so I chopped that up and added it here above the egg and placed it in the small toaster oven. You could place it in the microwave too for a few minutes until the cheese melts.
The cheese has melted, I used only half a slice for each sandwich... place another slice on top and cut them diagonally.

And that's it , a scrumptious breakfast is ready.... great way to start the day.


Wow, that's a big breakfast. The men in my house would adore this kind of breakfast!
Chanchal said…
Great breakfast idea..
Sounds good! I love fried egg sandwiches with ham, but I bet hard-boiled eggs are great too!

- Maggie
Elisabeth said…
Looks like a real hardy and delicious sandwich that would hold me throughout the entire day! Yumm:DDD
Aarthi said… mouth is watering here....This is real a great breakfast..but where do you find ham over here???
What a wonderful breakfast or even lunch in m opinion. You brought me back to my childhood with this one. Haven't had a ham and egg salad since I stayed at my grandmother's house on the weekends and she would always make us one for breakfast~!
kankana said…
This is going to taste delicious. I make egg salad sandwich a lot but this would a great change :)
BackStage said…
Looks so inviting - this is what I need to add more pounds to my already expanding body :D

Arrthi - I think we get ham in Lynns, remember seeing it there once.
That is one delicious looking sandwich! Nothing better than ham and onions. :)
Do I have to eat it for breakfast? It sounds like a great lunch to me! (But I'd totally eat it for breakfast, too!)
Muriel Miller said…
Now this is one good looking sandwich that is making me hungry just looking at it!
So Domesticated said…
Looks delish... I love eggs and ham, so this sandwich is perfect!
Great for breakfast, great photos!
Beth Niquette said…
My mouth was watering by the end! I loved it so much I'm featuring you and your blog in this week's FATuesday Artist Spotlight. Creativity comes out in so many areas--your cooking is one of them! You are a true artist, Karen!

FATuesday Artist Spotlight will be up in about an hour. (grin)
That Squirrel said…
this looks soooo good! where do you get your ham from? I'll have to try this with an omelette (instead of boiled egg) and mustard sauce!

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