This is my favourite place in Madras, it's the only place where that familiar feeling of high kicks in... the feeling that used to fuel our practice sessions every Saturday when I was in the church choir back home. The choir at St. Theresa's church is the driving force behind this heady feeling of high, they are the main reason the church is packed every Sunday evening. You see many expatriates here, I guess like me, they too are drawn in by the music and the singing. The sermons too are pretty good, there is this one priest I really like... don't know his name, but whenever he comes for the Sunday evening mass, he manages to bring tears to my eyes. It's what he says and the way he says it, he fires up the imagination... he forgets all the religious dogma, all the unnecessary rules and laws and gets down to the basics, it's what inside you that really matters. If you have faith, then everything will eventually work out alright. Everything is just so beautiful th...